Re: Backup

On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 17:30 -0600, Michael Terry wrote:
> Is GNOME interested in shipping an official backup program?  I (as a
> long-time lurker) haven't ever noticed discussion about it.
> I feel the backup market currently has a lot of almost-there UIs and
> lots of duplicated effort.  That might either mean it's a good time
> for GNOME to step in and polish one, or that it's a good time for
> GNOME to wait for one to 'win'.  I'm not even sure that GNOME cares
> particularly, but it seems like a hole in the market.
> For full disclosure, I am notably biased in any such discussion as the
> maintainer of one of those almost-there duplicated efforts (an app
> called deja-dup).  But I'd like to think that I'm more interested in a
> good user experience than my own ego.
> -mt

I guess that many people have different requirements. I thought some
time ago about writing my own one and about some features I'd like to
- What format? .tar.bz2 seems to be good enought for many documents. But
Photos for example are large and rarly change. Something similar to
rsync + hardlinks would save much space. And yes - it does matter as
most of data in $HOME (at least im my case) are photos (around 14 GB
about 33%) [important, practically append-only data], music (around 7
GB) [it is practically podcasts + cache of part of CD collection legally
ripped] and downloads/installed data [can be easily retrived, around 6
GB]. In total 27 GB (66%) which do not need to be copied each time.
Also it seems logical that block medias (hd, cd/dvd/br-rw) and stream
media (tapes, http) have different requirements. Write-once media
(cd-r,dvd-r,br-r) have another set of requirements. Can different
backups be applied for different catalogs?
- Where can I save. I'd prefere system when I can backup on external
drive which would be detected by partition UUID or something similar (or
copied cached backups from hard disk to external drive). Some people
would prefere network backup (scp, s3, ...).
- Should it be encrypted? Encryption have many advantages but I'm not
sure if it is possible to have anything else then full backup without
providing private key to program with all it's disadvantages. However I
belive that the user could be prompt for password during system/desktop
- Should it be run if user is not log in? I'd prefere system when even
if user is not log into backup is still made (cron-like).
- Tracker integration - backup does similar job to tracker indexer. I
guess that files should be read once but it would require probably
performance tests.
- Snapshot integration. Filesystems of future (zfs, btrfs, ...) have
support for snapshots. It would be benefitial if backup program make use
of it.

As power user I understend that I am not entirly in GNOME target but for
example coping 37 GB of data each backup and 10 GB makes huge difference
in speed (disks are cheap but - especially external - drives are not
daemons of speed). Some of above question may be answered during design
process so it is not the question about putting them in GUI. Some maybe
can be autodetected.


[1] I haven't found any which would have them

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