Re: GNOME 3.0 - shell and applets

Luca Ferretti a écrit :
In suborder, another interesting question is: how could GNOME Desktop
prevents applications to mis-use the Notification/Status area? By now
we are providing gtk_staus_icon_*() functions and usage policies on
HIG, but this wasn't enough to avoid bad usage.
HIG recommendations were not strongly stated :

"The utility of the notification area decreases rapidly when more than about four icons are always present. For this reason, icons that appear only temporarily in response to events are *preferable*."
They don't oppose status and permanent state vs notification of punctual 
events clearly enough... But I don't blame them, I first thought that 
giving the link to that page would convince people, but no, they seem to 
 be reluctant on leaving the old taskbar à la Windows. Which I 
definitely hate.
But I agree that the situation must be clarified before GNOME 3.0 by the 
usability team.

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