Re: Planning for GNOME 3.0

From: Colin Walters <walters verbum org>

> >  * What is the a11y story for gnome-shell and mutter?  Eiphany+Webkit has
> > blocked on this for several cycles now.
> My understanding on this is that once we have the requisite pieces to
> embed GTK+ in Clutter, we'll get a significant chunk of this
> immediately.  The components which are custom UI will require custom
> a11y work.

If the idea is have a clutter stage where we put the gtk widgets inside, this
means that the stage needs to be exposed as well, so a new a11y object is
required, in order to expose their children (these GTK objects inside).

In the same way, the current main root object on GAIL, gailtoplevel, will not be
suitable here, as this manage the different gtk top level windows. So a new root
object, managing and exposing the stage (or stages), and reimplementing some
AtkUtil functions,  will be required.

So yes, if the pieces of embed GTK+ in clutter are finished, a lot of a11y work
is done related to these concrete elements (but note that this work is still
missing). But, it still misses the work to join it together (and see how
exactly), not only the related to custom UI elements.

API (apinheiro igalia com)

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