Re: Changing bookmarks file location

Em Dom, 2008-06-01 às 15:00 -0400, Og Maciel escreveu:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jonh Wendell wrote:
> | What is the best way to do this? Just point to new location and add a
> | note on README for previous users telling them to manually move the
> | file?
> Couldn't you detect if there's anything in the "old" place and if so,
> automatically move it to the "new" place (as well as notifying the user
> about the migration)? Just an idea...
> Cheers,
> - --
> Og B. Maciel

Hi, Og.

Sure I could do that, but it would lead to an overhead every time the
program is started...

Jonh Wendell

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