Re: Proposed module: conduit

On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 22:21 +1200, John Stowers wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 11:24 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > How easy is it to do this for any particular specific cases, such as
> > syncing a Palm with a desktop PC (With Evolution, hopefully), or syncing
> > the contacts on my mobile phone, or with my N810?
> Palm isnt supported.
> Windows mobile 5/6 support is OK, and getting better.
> Nokia phone support (via gnome-phone-manager is being worked on ATM)
> Nokia nxxx support is pretty good.

I appreciate the difficulty of doing all this, and I like that it's
being done properly via a proper framework, but it doesn't seem like it
has enough device support to be genuinely useful to many people yet.

> Our strength and historical focus has been sync to online services from
> GNOME apps. Our current focus is on mobile devices.

So with what sites can I easily sync my data (from what desktop

Remember that someone has to write release notes saying how this is
actually useful (now) to real people. If there are no good real world
examples then it doesn't belong in a GNOME release yet. It sounds like
it will be far more useful for GNOME 2.26 if it can be approved early as
a blessed dependency.

murrayc murrayc com

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