Re: Absolute paths to applications in .desktop files

Le mercredi 23 juillet 2008 à 01:47 +0200, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> This is more complex than that. If I copy a launcher from the
> applications menu to my panel or desktop and then run my session in
> jhbuild, I might want to use the jhbuilt application instead of the
> system application.

Interesting; I thought it would be more interesting for jhbuild if icons
would specify the absolute path, allowing to install both versions at
the same time. But if that is actually your workflow it might be more
useful to only specify the full path in distro-shipped .desktop files.

> If the user changes $PATH, then it has to be expected that some things
> might break. 

Sure, and this is the reason why this issue is not so important, but it
is still better to allow him to do so without breaking things.

> Also, if the user has gcalctool in $HOME/bin, he'll run
> into weird things when typing gcalctool in the run dialog, eg.

Indeed, but in this case he presumably wants it so. 

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