Re: GNOME's testing strategy for GUIs

To my mind, adding regression tests is like spending 1 hour to save 100. Perhaps what we need is a regression test evangelist/documentation/mentor? Will, I really appreciated your phone call last year answering my questions about the Orca test harness. It sounds like a really great setup, although I'm sure there are other great options. Will and the Orca team have a handy wiki on their approach here:

I'd like to see documentation on 'GNOME recommended automated testing' for all the kinds of projects we see in GNOME (including for the various languages). I think this thread is a great way to try and get community consensus and to collect information on what various projects use. I suspect a lot of projects use none or very little (sadly, including GOK).

IMHO this needs to change.

Willie Walker wrote:
Hey All:

Great discussion so far. I just want to add something about why regression testing is important to me. In the Orca project, we have a regression test suite that we use regularly. It helps give us great sanity checking that our changes and bug fixes don't introduce new problems. It has caught issues introduced by those infamous simple-one-liner-cannot-hurt-a-thing fixes, and it has also been a great tool to help us with performance analysis.

It took a while to ingrain it into the Orca culture, but regression testing is just so useful to us that I cannot imagine NOT doing it. This is not a call to use Orca's stuff, BTW. It's just amplifying the need for and usefulness of regression across all of GNOME.

An interesting scenario might be to hook up with the build brigade folks. We might have a set of systems that just continually build GNOME, but we might dedicate another set of systems to continually build GNOME followed by a complete set of regression tests. At the same time, individual component developers should also be able to set up their own machines to focus testing just on their components. For example, as soon as is fixed, I hope to work on a cronjob to automatically test Orca against nightly builds of Firefox.

Finally, IMO the focus on the regression tests should be more about coverage of the important stuff and less about the time it takes to run them. For example, even if they took 7 days to run, that would still give us tons better coverage and would detect integration problems far sooner.


Nagappan A wrote:
Hi Vincent,

Currently the scripts are not compatible. We are ready to support it, to an extent !


On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 6:10 AM, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org <mailto:vuntz gnome org>> wrote:

    Le jeudi 14 février 2008, à 21:48 -0800, Nagappan A a écrit :
     > LDTP team is ready to implement what ever the features required
    by GNOME
     > community.

    Is it possible to have some script to convert dogtail scripts to LDTP
    ones (and vice versa)? Or have a common format?

    I think one thing that is currently blocking all this is that we have
    both LDTP and dogtail, and we don't choose one of the two solutions.
    Being able to use both will just make things easier and will enable to
    move to the next steps.


    Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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