Re: Proposal: enable accessibility by default for GNOME

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:
> That sounds nice, but I don't
> see how just enabling AT-SPI et al accomplishes this.
> For instance, if a blind user logs in, she'll still have
> to navigate to the accessibility preferences to enable a
> screen reader.  Granted, with accessibility already loaded,
> she won't have to log out and back in.  But it's still five
> or so completely blind clicks she has to manage to make.
> Since you don't seem to be proposing enabling any particular
> accessibility tool by default (and enabling them all would
> be insane), what's the proposal for how to deal with this?
> To an average user, the core infrastructure being loaded
> doesn't mean anything if the tool she needs isn't there.

Hotkey/gesture activation at the GDM prompt level (at least it used to
work this way).

Patryk Zawadzki

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