Re: maintainer scripts

On Mo, 2008-07-28 at 09:48 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
> daniel g. siegel wrote:
> > another quick question: seems to pick up all bug fixes,
> > but what about features, or other enhancements, which are no bugs? how
> > do i get those into the NEWS file?
> This is something I really have been trying to figure out actually. The
> only 2 ways about it I can think of are either.
> 1. Manually adding them
> 2. Having some sort of keyword in the ChangeLog so the maintainer script
> can pick it up (the way we do bugs). For example,
>   "Adds feature: bla bla."
> Would then list it as:
> - bla bla
> I can work on this if people think it is a good idea.

that would be awesome! ;) you know, most of the gnome developers are


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