Re: Dependency Proposal: Clutter 0.6.2, ClutterMM 0.6

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:41 AM, William Jon McCann <mccann jhu edu> wrote:
> 2008/4/21 Luca Ferretti <elle uca libero it>:
>  ...
> >  Emmanuele, IMHO the better and faster way to show everyone the Clutter
>  >  goodnees is provide a Coverflow[1] like[2] plugin for Rhythmbox whitin 4
>  >  weeks ;-)
>  That would be awesome.
>  Here's the bug:

here's something I knocked up last night
While its clearly not finished yet (I was tired and my caffeine ran out)
Its interesting that the part I was finding tricky was getting the
album data out of RB
rather than the clutter code to do this
(although it is copied from the coverflow demo thats been kicking around)

So far:
iain spiderland:~/rhythmbox/plugins/clutter-flow$ wc --lines
290 clutter-flow-plugin.c

Most of that is the standard c-plugin boilerplate

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