Re: help needed with non-US time zones for clock applet

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 16:26 -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> (Specifically, if you live in [or are knowledgeable about] AR, AU, BR,
> CA, CN, CD, GL, ID, KZ, MY, MX, RU, UA, or UZ, please read this. Thanks :)
> Vincent has just committed the patches to fix the "clock applet guesses
> the wrong timezone" bug, but this relies on
> libgweather/data/ having the correct timezones listed
> for various places.
> Specifically:
>     - Argentina: /usr/share/zoneinfo/ lists 11 zones, though
>       Wikipedia claims that there is only a single zone for the entire
>       country. It's possible that the other 10 zones reflect historical
>       distinctions that are no longer relevant. I assigned the whole
>       country to America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires. Is this right?
> Argentina it.s ok with the time_zone from Buenos Aires (GMT-3)

Currently Argentina has only one official hour for the whole country,
which also means one time zone.  UTC-0300 in Standard Time, UTC-0200
in Daylight Saving Time.

The Navy in Argentina is in charge of their official time: /


Germán Poó Caamaño
Concepción - Chile

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