Module proposal: Vinagre

Hi, folks. Here is my proposal for 2.22:

Purpose: Vinagre is a VNC client for GNOME. It fits well on the GNOME
Desktop, by following HIG and using technologies like Avahi and Keyring.

Target: Desktop

  gtk-vnc widget (
  avahi (optional)
  other GNOME stuff, like gnome-keyring, gtk, glade, gconf and so on.

Resource Usage: Vinagre is already using all GNOME resources: ftp, svn,
bugzilla, website.

Adoption: As Vinagre is a new software, it will be available soon in
distros like Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu and Foresight.

GNOME-ness: Vinagre is already in i18n sub-project, and is listed here: We plan to integrate with all
others sub-projects, as it's yet a new software.

Miscellaneous: I plan to make Vinagre a 'Remote Desktop Viewer', not
only a VNC client, so, i want to support NX, RDP among others in the

Jonh Wendell
jonh wendell gmail com (MSN / Google Talk)

Linux User #114432

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