Re: Module proposal: Empathy for GNOME 2.22

Ar 23/09/2007 am 19:54, ysgrifennodd Travis Reitter:
> My main concerns right now are libempathy(-gtk)'s API stability and
> documentation. The API in svn trunk has changed since the last release
> (0.12), and (as Björn points out) the documentation is basically
> non-existent.
> Xavier, could you explain how you plan to address these concerns in time
> for the Gnome 2.22 release?

Disclosure: I work for Collabora, which sponsors Empathy development.

I'm with Travis here. API quality/stability and documentation are weak points.
It could probably do with some HIG review too, though I think it's less of a
concern as Empathy inherits from Gossip's mature UI design.

A possible concern is that libempathy-gtk is GPL rather than LGPL, due to the
fact that much of its code is taken from Gossip.

A question about external dependencies: which Telepathy components would be
blessed external dependencies?

I'm in favour of making Empathy a Gnome program, but I don't want it in before
it's ready. Putting it in prematurely would be a disservice to our users and


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