Re: cheese for 2.22, realistic?

On Sa, 2007-09-22 at 16:55 +0200, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Le samedi 22 septembre 2007 à 16:38 +0200, daniel g. siegel a écrit :
> > hey!
> > 
> > im not shure at all, how to begin this mail.. and im even more unshure
> > if i should propose cheese for 2.22 ;) my biggest concern is the
> > development cycle, which is much faster than the gnome one atm (2 weeks
> > to a month vs. 6 months). anyway, here is my proposal for including
> > cheese in 2.22.
> > 
> > 
> > cheers, daniel
> (...)
> >   * GNOME-ness: hey, it started as a GNOME-soc project ;)
> >   * miscellaneous: building with jhbuild is not possible atm.
> It doesn't seem to be intltool compatible right now, so that would be a
> blocker right now. Shouldn't be so much difficult to add, though.

indeed, it uses toc2 as build system. if you want to update the po-files
do this: cd po/; make updatepo
> But for a GNOME-soc project, I'm a little surprised that intltool
> support is not implemented from start. Who was the mentor :-) ?

i will not put the finger on him, but he speaks french and eats tribes.
that should say all ;)


> Regards,
> Claude
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