Re: What happened to gnome-sound-recorder??

Hi William,

This is probably more appropriate on a GNOME user mailinglist or something similar, e.g. your local GNOME User Group or something along those lines, maybe the GNOME web fora or so? This is more a development-oriented mailinglist. Feel free to email me privately if you'd like to communicate more.

Anyway, on to your question:

On Nov 12, 2007 6:30 PM, William Locaton wrote:
Was g-s-r removed from gnome?

Not that I know.
I am using Fedora 8 and it doesn't
exists.  Googling around I can see that it was part of gnome-media but
that package in my fedora system only has the following binaries:

Sounds like a Fedora bug: Upstream GNOME still ships with g-s-r.


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