Re: Unique app

JP Rosevear wrote:

Or glib since I'm sure non-graphical daemons might want this too.

This gets tangled up in the thread that was just on gtk-devel-list on where to put gio and dconf in the stack, and the earlier thread on where to put a "glib dbus" library (which does not exist yet in the form I mean, current dbus-glib is an object system mapping rather than a set of things-one-wants-to-do-with-dbus like own a unique name or watch for names to come and go)

My guess on the unique app feature is that part of it should be in the "glib dbus" library and part of it has to be in GTK (the part that handles startup notification and so forth for you, and thus uses GdkScreen)

For a first cut though I'd just do it all in gtk, to avoid having to deal with creating the whole "glib dbus" lib, and then the gtk API could later be made to build on the "glib dbus" API. For now the gtk API could just use raw libdbus.

It should not in theory be that hard a problem to get this in...


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