Needed new HAL for gvfs [was: Proposed module: gvfs]

Il giorno gio, 20/12/2007 alle 16.40 +0100, Alexander Larsson ha
> svn/git/bzr/...:
> Short description:
> ==================
> gvfs is a userspace virtual filesystem implemented as a pluggable module
> for gio (a new module in glib). The glib part of gio supports the
> general APIs required for a virtual filesystem, but only has an
> implementation for local files. GVfs is a unix-specific implementation
> that uses out-of-process mount daemons and dbus for talking to the
> daemon.
> gio is part of glib 2.15.0 and will be released on schedule for gnome
> 2.22. Both eel and nautilus has been converted to use gio instead of
> gnome-vfs.
> Requires new external dependencies:
> ===================================
> A new optional dependency for gvfs is fuse. If this is installed then
> applications not using gio can still access files on gvfs shares.

Alex, it seems that the HAL backend for volume monitoring needs
hal-0.5.10 (while the currently approved is 0.5.9).

Note that in order to build hal-0.5.10 you also need to update (both in
external dep):
      * udev-105	--> udev-115 (libvolume_id 0.77)
      * expat-1.95.7	--> expat-1.95.8

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