Re: [pygtk] Python 3.0 plans

El mié, 29-08-2007 a las 23:36 +0200, Andi Albrecht escribió:
> 2007/8/29, Johan Dahlin <johan gnome org>:
> Hi Johan and all,
> in general I think it is a very good idea to port PyGTK to Python 3.x
> as soon as possible. The api must not be stable with the fist alpha
> release, but it need to be stable at least with one of the first
> betas. We'll have to port a bunch of things: First of all the
> bindings, but the examples and maybe the documentations too.

On the other hand, please don't forget win32 port, for many developers
are very relevant too!

Fernando San Martín Woerner
Jefe de Informática
Galilea S.A.

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