Re: doesn't the session splash disappear too soon?

El mi�04-04-2007 a las 18:15 +0200, Frederic Crozat escribi�> Well, you need to define your test system first for those 2 seconds :)

Laptop hard drive, 512 MB RAM.

> -with no program started except nautilus, gnome-panel and metacity, it
> takes 12s from login to get the system ready to respond

Yeah, sounds about the same as my machine.  Do you have
readahead/preload *and* an up-to-date icon cache?
> -when adding beagle in the startup process, you go up to 15s

Interesting.  Does it start churning immediately, or is it just the time
it takes to respond to gnome-session?

> -if I add the various programs we starts by default on Mandriva
> (gnome-volume-manager, gnome-power-manager, net_applet, etc), I go up to
> 31s before seeing nautilus desktop and 45s to get gnome-panel
> responsive.

This is pretty bad.

We need to create an infrastructure to run the profiles periodically,
otherwise we'll keep piling more crap on top of everything, and any
performance gains from the past will go to hell.

I've just started resurrecting the profiling stuff for Nautilus (the old
patches I had on my web page plus the program to plot timelines).

So, who wants to tackle the panel? :)  Ideally it should use the same
logging function described here:

Later we can build some smarter scripts to create a new session and spit
a timeline automatically, without manual work between each run.

> > - Find why Nautilus takes between 1 and 2 seconds to paint the desktop
> > after it hits gtk_main().
> Agreed, you can clearly see the time between nautilus being started and
> painting full desktop.

I'm working on it.  The logging patch works again, so I'll start getting
some timelines to see what's going on.


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