Re: gnome desktop integration library

On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 05:05:10PM +0200, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-09-05 at 16:43, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> [...]
> > So, one thing that has been on my mind for long is to get those small
> > libraries and merge them together

Fewer library packages would also be a good thing for packagers. Don't
have to do as much dependency tracking and explicit versioning of
dependencies. OTOH...

> [...]
> > When the library grows, we could separate it into different .so's
> Don't do that (the separation). If you merge the different libraries
> together, you'll merge the sections together. As they must be stored
> with a page granularity (4k) you'll earn 2k by merged library on
> average, plus less time spent in for resolving inter-library
> dependencies (and yet another memory win). If you separate that into
> different .so's you loose what you just won.

Also, please remember that every time you move a symbol that is part
of the public interface from one library file to another, the soname
of the former-location and new-location shared libraries changes. Even
if it's all in the same "library package". And changing the soname of
just some of the shared libraries in a package that contains many
shared libs is a packager nightmare.


Daniel Macks
dmacks netspace org

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