Showing multiple groups by default with GOption?

With GOption, is it possible to have it display multiple groups of options by
default. eg. that `myapp --help` would display:

./myapp --help
  myapp [OPTION...] - Do MyTask GNOME-stylez

Help Options:
  -?, --help               Show help options
  --help-all               Show all help options
  --help-processing        Show processing options
  --help-plotting          Show plotting options
  --help-gtk               Show GTK+ Options

Processing Options:
  --cdptol=10              Tolerance (%)
  --leap=40                Leap
  --fold=200               Nominal Fold
  --masfile=FILENAME       MAS file
  --smooth=9               Smoothing

Plotting Options:
  --cmppinc=10             CMP Plotting Increment

Eventually both of these lists are going to be made somewhat larger, and I would
very much like to display both of them (they're both important sets of options
and will need to be often referenced by people calling the application from a
batch file).


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