Re: breakage caused by removed icons from gnome-icon-theme

On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 09:43 +0100, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> Issue: How to add an icon for Podcasts
> Details: Jimmac has a cool podcast icon here[1], designed for banshee (I
> don't know if it's yet used and/or installed by banshee). This icon is
> really useful for Rhythmbox. Let's me assume that a valid name for icon
> naming standard is "remote-podcast" under Places categories. Let's me
> also assume that this icon is not well fitted in base icon theme, so it
> should be provided by applications. Moreover a KDE app could like to
> use/provide/install the same icon.
> My Questions:
>      1. who should install the icon? Rhythmbox? Banshee? Both? An
>         external *-icon-theme-extra package?
>      2. where this extra-but-common[2] icon should be installed? In
>         "hicolor"? In "gnome" icon theme for GNOME apps and "kde" for
>         KDE apps?

On a related note:

A while back, several Rhythmbox icons got added to g-i-t because it was
thought that they would be useful to other applications, e.g. the
static-playlist smart-playlist and music-library icons.

Are these the kind of things that would stay in g-i-t or not? They
aren't useful to a great many applications, and I don't think the ones
they would be useful for (e.g. Banshee) use them.

If not, we come to the issue of theming application icons. There was
some debate about six months ago on rhythmbox-devel about whether to use
the new Bluecurve-ish icons someone had created for us (when we weren't
using the g-i-t icons). Quite a few people were of the opinion that they
didn't fit well with the standard gnome theme, so we ended up not having
them in RB, and so they should have gone in the Bluecurve icon theme.

If icon theme authors want to create their own icons for these, they
will probably have to make a heap of symlinks, i.e. rb-static-playlist,
banshee-static-playlist etc. Any other applications they don't know
about, won't get their icons.

I'm sure a lot of other things will run into this, e.g. OpenOffice and
AbiWord/Gnumeric. Do we have clear guidelines on which kinds of icons
should be included in g-i-t, and what application/icon authors are
supposed to do if they are not?


James "Doc" Livingston
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a perl

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