Re: Proposed Modules, My Take

Sean Middleditch wrote:

Can a version of Python be declared to go with this if its in the
There is a minimum required version of Python for any particular Python bindings release, but why would you want to require a particular version of Python? Would you also want to require a particular version of GCC/libstdc++ be used with gtkmm for a particular release?

Otherwise every distro could end up with a different version
of Python resulting in various incompatibilities - especially in the
case where multiple versions of Python are installed.
If you want to install multiple versions of Python, you can easily install multiple copies of pygtk too (it installs into the site-packages directory for the Python version it was built against).

Does /usr/bin/python reference the vesion with pygtk?

It depends on the system. A pygtk using application could reasonably consider that it is the case though ...

If apps
hardcode /usr/bin/python-2.2 what happens on a distro that only has 2.3?
Then the app would break.

Both problems disappear if we mandate that, say, Python 2.3 be used and
that all apps using the "official GNOME Bindings" reference python-2.3
explicitly, or something like that.
This would add an artificial barrier to using versions of Python other than the one required. For instance, people might want to use Python 2.4 ...


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