Brainstorm for new default theme was: Exciting GNOME?

Hey all,
	What do you want in a new default theme?  I'm looking for everything
from big-picture to details.  I don't want information like "the
$insert_widget should look like $insert_existing_theme" I want
information like "the $insert_widget should look like
$insert_description which can be seen in $insert_existing_theme".  Give
me information in text form rather than just images.
	Over this weekend (get your say in before Friday night) I'll gather all
the ideas together into a decent document.  I'll then present it to
usability/internationalisation/accessibility people who can comment (if
they want).  In the end we'll hopefully have two or three candidate
ideas for development.
	So reply with ideas no matter how crazy you think others may think
them.  Please don't disagree with someones ideas or flame them; think of
this as a group brainstorm.
Aidan Delaney   email: adelaney cs may ie

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