Re: control-center-2.10.2 empty after upgrade/recompile

Marian Eichholz wrote:
> That's possible, because for some unknown reason, gnome
> 2.10.2 expected icons in /usr/share not in
> /opt/gnome2/share as before. So I had to frobnify the icon
> path to get my Evolution 2 running.

Old GNOME has been using its own icon standard and has been searching
icons in its own prefix or using GNOME2_PATH or GTK_PATH. Since version
2.8/2.10, GNOME and GTK+ follows XDG standards and uses variables
$XDG_DATA_DIRS (for icons and MIME) and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS (for menu
layout). Both variables include only /usr.

You can try:
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/opt/gnome2/share/
export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/usr/local/etc/xdg:/etc/xdg/:/etc/opt/gnome2/xdg/

Best Regards / S pozdravem,

Stanislav Brabec
software developer
SuSE CR, s. r. o.                             e-mail: sbrabec suse cz
Drahobejlova 27                               tel: +420 296 542 382
190 00 Praha 9                                fax: +420 296 542 374
Czech Republic                      

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