Re: gnome-about-me

<quote who="Diego Gonzalez">

> Here is a screenshot of the tool as it is rigth now:
> any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi again,

Given that changing a password is more of a process than 'advanced about me'
or additional information, perhaps a "Change Password..." button would be
more appropriate than a disclosure area? You've already got two of those,
which is a bit unusual. ;-)

[ Maybe password changing should be somewhere else entirely, but if it were
a whole other dialogue, that'd be another menu entry, and it seems to fit in
with the context of About Me. ]

Thanks, this is cool. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
     "Funny, I have no trouble distinguishing my mobile phone from the
       others because it's in my _own fucking pocket_!" - Mobile Rage

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