Re: Proposed modules: my consensus so far


On Fri, 2004-11-26 at 17:09 +0000, Beno�Dejean wrote:
> Le vendredi 26 novembre 2004 �6:00 +0000, Mark McLoughlin a �it :

> > 	Personally, I think it would be a lot more sensible for procman to have
> > an "admin mode" and a "user mode". If run in "admin mode", e.g. as root,
> > then "Change Priority", "Kill Process" would be in the menu and in admin
> > mode it wouldn't.
> i don't agree. nice/kill is not sysadmin.
> There are currently 2 views :  'My processes' and 'All processes',
> that's a kind of admin mode. root password would be prompted only in
> 'all processes' view when trying to renice/kill a process that is not
> yours. In the 'My Processes' view, you can only see your processes, so
> that's safe.

	It could be as simple as just making the "Kill process" menu item
insensitive if you're not running as root and you select a process that
isn't owned by you ...


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