Re: Voting? [Was: How we make decisions...]

I don't necessarily disagree with you, Jeff.  However,
the GEP process did not make it clear for each GEP who
was the person/leader/module maintainer, etc. ("the
stakeholders") who would say "yea" or "nay" in the

I believe it was a good start to get an open process
for making a proposal and debating a proposal on the
record, so to speak.  The GEP process, though a bit
too formal, was good for transparency.

However, without a clear demarcation of who the
decision-maker is (whether that be the release team, a
module maintainer, the pumkin-holder, the benevolent
dictator, or whoever), the process will inevitably end
in confusion.  This confusion, I believe, was the
biggest flaw of the GEP process, along with the
perhaps excessive formality of it.

--- Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:

> <quote who="aigiskos">
> > Especially as the GNOME community/project grows
> larger,  it will become
> > necessary to delegate certain decisions to a
> decision-making body or have
> > some sort of referendum of registered voters, so
> to speak.
> Democracy is *not* the right way to go about making
> a good decision. The GEP
> process was about making a proposal, gathering the
> stakeholders, laying down
> the parameters and goals, and putting it up for
> discussion. If it's not led
> by the responsible persons and stakeholders, there
> won't be a decision.
> > It seems we have the groundwork laid for such a
> process throught the GNOME
> > foundation, which has members who can vote.  We
> even have a voting system
> > in place.
> The GNOME Foundation does not exist to make
> technical decisions or get
> involved in day to day community stuff. The right
> people to make these
> decisions include module maintainers, subproject
> leaders, etc.
> - Jeff
> -- 
> 2005: Canberra, Australia             
>      "Linux is not like Novell, it isn't going to
> run out of money - it
>               started off bankrupt, in a way." -
> Steve Ballmer
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