Browser Bookmarks Menu (Gnome Applet) 0.2

Version 0.2 is out.  Future releases will be posted
to gnome-announce-list rather than
desktop-devel-list.  Apologies for the noise.

Metin Amiroff wrote:
>Why Firefox? I hope Epiphany support is planned
>in future.

Version 0.2 now supports Epiphany and Mozilla, as
well as Firefox.  I am reading a gconf entry to
pick up the preferred browser - I presume that that
is The Right Way To Do It.  Someone let me know if
there is a Gnome API that is recommended instead.

Galeon and Konqueror planned, but I am currently
running a x86_64 Fedora test release sans both,
and have had some RPM repository conflicts - I'm
simply waiting for Fedora 3 final to hit the
streets next week rather than mess around with
my configuration now.  Or, if you can't wait,
patches will be accepted.  :)

Source tarball:

>Why not merge it somehow with Nautilus-Menu

I see web bookmarks and GtkFileChooser bookmarks as
separate things, and there already exist panel
applets to get to those, as I mentioned in my
original announcement.

Personally, I prefer the way Ubuntu does its
Home, Desktop and Filesystem menu entries over
Nautilus-Menu-applet, although I could possibly
imagine a "Files" menu applet much like my
"Bookmarks" menu that had
GtkFileChooser bookmark 1
GtkFileChooser bookmark 2

and menu items would open Nautilus, rather than
be drill-down menus.  But that sounds like another
project, rather than something I would want to
graft onto this one.

Next on the TODO list are packaging and installation


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