Re: Plans for 2.8 - GNOME Managed Language Services?

On Fri, 2004-03-26 at 18:44, Murray Cumming wrote:
> Yes, the .defs file
> format is quite well established, and mostly standardized in a spec.
> Several (pygtk and gtkmm and others I think) use the same
> header-file-scanner ( We do have different utilities to get
> extra bits such as enum, properties, signals and vfuncs.
> Having standard .defs files in the GTK+ tarballs would be helpful, but I
> don't actually think it would make much practical difference to anyone.

By the way, Gtk# uses a different .defs file format and scanner, because
they really really wanted it to be in XML format. I don't think anybody
minds using XML format as the official spec, but the other bindings were
too far along with the existing .defs format by the time Gtk# suggest it
and showed that the had a working XML-format scanner. We were lazy, but
we are likely to continue to be lazy.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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