Re: PROPOSAL: GNOME Volume Manager for GNOME 2.8

Sean Middleditch wrote:
Havoc, I would suggest that this is one of the best control panels out there. It is very functional, and its content is in no way touched by any other control panel. It's not like "Keyboard" and "Keyboard Shortcuts" and "Accessibility->Keyboard". This one actually stands on its own, IMO.

Disagree wholeheartedly. The capplet is just a duplicate of the MIME system and/or Prefered Applications. It's just a capplet to configure "How does the system handle [blah]". It isn't really different than "How does the system handle [file type]" or "How does the system handle [service]".

From a developer's point of view I would have to agree with you. From a usability point of view, as a user, I wouldn't think to look at how my system reacts to device changes in the same place I change how my PDF files are opened. Even if devices are the equivalents of files in /dev, there is a conceptual "real-world" separation between a file and a device.

Except for the above-mentioned duplicated panels, as well as those with just one widget in them, the Gnome control panel is pretty slim. There really aren't that many extraneous entries. It's pretty obvious where to click to get which settings. Would that be the case if "Removable Storage" options got moved to "Preferred Applications" under the "Advanced" subfolder no less?


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