Re: default theme consensus

Anyone else have a more objective analysis of the themes?

I agree with you Link. Glider seems more functional and usable than Indubstrial at this point. Glider makes it easier to the eye to distinguish between elements. However, Indubstrial has some nice rounded features that give an extra edge to it.

A few months ago we had this discussion again about the painful whiteness of industrial and Jeff did a good effort to fix the problem, however I feel that still, more needs to be done to take away the "flat, pale, washed out" look. If this can be fixed in time for 2.8, I would like to see Indubstrial as the default gnome theme. If not, Glider.

(I would stil be using the current "Default/Raleigh" anyway. While the "Default" is too grey and the buttons don't have a different color than the window views (taking points away from its usability), it is a very well defined theme, with harsh lines around toolbars, menus, buttons etc making it very clean to the eyes of both normal users and users who need *some minor* accessibiliy (and that's most of us geeks, who need glasses sooner or later). Theme writers should learn from the Default regarding the well defined 3D-look lines.)



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