Re: SVG format in metacity, gtk, desklets and build system for Gnome

> No, I wasn't saying - I was asking:
> "Don't you think that Gnome desktop could have it's own modern build
> system, which could be fast and effective?"

Ah, OK, I misunderstood.  In that case, my answer to your question is
"no".  I'm perfectly happy with Gnome's build setup.  There are always
things to improve on, but writing a new build system for that is the
worst possible solution.  You did ask :)

> And later i was asking (because I'm not C/C++ coder):
> "I rather think that I could create some service like Ximian does but
> really based on Java engine and I would like to use Ant, Jelly, and
> other XML based technologies to generate shell scripts user could
> downolad and build binaries preconfigured and optimized for his needs -
> just something like more andvanced and interactive rpm spec files.
> Maybe you could give me some opinions what do you think about this idea?
> Is it worth to spend some time and energy on this?"

If you ask me what *I* think about that idea, I think that's a waste of
time.  You're trying to cater for an audience that wants to have
ease-of-use while still maintaining individual patch-level control over
source code.  I doubt many of those exist.  I know I don't have time to
hand-pick patches and I doubt my father ever will either, for example.

> And I still don't see any answer for my questions.

So there they were: no, and no.

> I'm sure you all know what are advantages of GNU build system, rpm, apt
> and so on... and my question is still opened:
> Don't you think that Gnome should be _above_ this and have some _own_,
> dedicated, visual (this just should be Gnome application) tool for
> fetching, building, installing, upgradeing?

no, absolutely not.

> I just don't want to use on single machine tools like redcarpet (for
> system and xd2), apt (for other optional packages - for example
> rhythmbox from and build another gnome
> applications by hand (for example

ok, then don't.

> I know that maybe you think that it is "natural" but I don't like it.
> I would like to have one way to build and upgrade my environment.

what makes you think that inventing a completely new system, then
wrangling all existing software into that, is at all less work than
picking one of the existing methods, then wrangling in all of the
software that isn't already available for that method ?


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