Re: Gnome desktop files doesn't follow the freedesktop standards

hi :)

On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 02:07:54PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> There are three ways to go about it, on first inspection. Assuming that
> if we only had Epiphany installed, it would appear as Web Browser, we could
> choose from the following if Galeon were installed alongside it:
> 1) Web Browser (Epiphany)
>    Web Browser (Galeon)
> 2) Epiphany Web Browser
>    Galeon Web Browser
> 3) Epiphany
>    Galeon

how about          __
 4) Web Browser    \/

short explanation:
 only display one of the conflicting apps by default,
 but let the user choose which one he likes

i guess the user will prefer one of the alternatives and won't
switch back and forth every now and then.

i can think of several methods to build the menu:

 a) ala Windows: only show recently used applications by default.
    if only one Web Browser is in this list, the thing is easy.
    otherwise, one has to fall back to 1)-3) so that the user can
    choose. if he keeps using only one alternative, only that will
    be shown in the future

 b) make something like a drop-down-list (this is what i wanted to show
    with the little triangle above):
    only show GenericName, together with a small symbol showing that
    there are several alternatives.
    if the user clicks on the symbol, he can choose between alternatives
    using a sub-menu or something.
    if he clicks on the rest of the menu item, the last choice is
    started automatically.

of course, these solutions are much more work then simply
renaming fields in .desktop files, but they may be worth in the long run.

however, to be able to correctly identify similar applications,
both applications have to use _identical_ GenericNames.
that does not scale, perhaps it would be better to specify
some special appliacation-types and use above methods only for
these types.

CU,		  / Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany
Martin Waitz	//  Department of Computer Science 3       _________
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