Re: Clipboard daemon

On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 10:46, Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
> I can't believe that Windows is trying to have the same problem as X in
> future. Maybe it's just the big, complex, clipboard formats that get lost.
> But I think that would be confusing unless there was some dialog saying
> "What you are pasting is not going to be ideal, because you closed the other
> application.". Actually, Windows 2000 and/or Office XP do seem to have some
> bizarre choose-your-paste-format features (funny little triangles and
> question marks after you've pasted something) but it's far from usable.

I tried copying some things around on my XP box at work, and there seems
to be two situations:

1) The amount of data that has been put on the clipboard by a given
application is "small", and when the app is closed the data remains on
the clipboard.

2) The amount of data that has been put on the clipboard by a given
application is "large", and when the app is closed there is a popup
saying that large amounts of data have been copied to the clipboard and
do you want this data to be available to other apps after closing the
current application. I am of course paraphrasing. This is at least the
case with the MS Office apps, but it may be application specific.

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