Re: [gedit-list] Re: My (ongoing) analysis of the proposed modules

On Sat, 2003-05-10 at 00:42, Paolo Maggi wrote:
> Hi,
> 	I'd like to add some notes to Jeff's comments about gedit-plugins and
> gtksourceview.
> First of all I think syntax highlighting is a very important feature for
> a text editor (also a simple one) and I'm absolutely convinced it will
> make a lot of gedit users really happy. 

As a gedit user I totally agree with Paolo, syntax highlighting is
really useful for the large majority of a text editor user-base, not
only for coders: e.g. I think one of the things normal users do with a
text editor is editing config files and syntax highlightiing makes it

> About gedit-plugins: you are right, it contains some plugins that
> probably should not be distributed in the desktop because they are too 
> specialized or duplicate a feature already present in the desktop. Here
> I'm thinking to CVS ChangeLog, diff and ASCII table plugins. 
> So I propose to move again the "Indent lines", "Sort", "Tag List" and
> "Shell Output" plugins to gedit and to not include gedit-plugins in the
> desktop [1].

What about instead having

gedit (in desktop): just the editor
gedit-plugins (in desktop): basic plugins of general use
gedit-plugins-extra (out of desktop): specialized plugins and plugin
with external dependancies (if there are some...)

> I'm quite satisfied with the current set of features gedit provides so
> it will not be "fiddled with" forever.
> All the new features will be developed as plugins and eventually
> distributed with gedit-plugins or as stand-alone packages (i.e. outside
> the desktop).
> The only new feature I'd like to see in the gedit main package is a
> "Tools" plugin (but I don't know if I will have time to implement it for
> GNOME 2.4).

While I'm at it, what about the change case plugin? (see bug #89743)
Has it any chance to get into gedit-plugins?


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