Seahorse re: 2.4 Proposed Modules

Did Seahorse get intentionally dropped from the list of proposed modules
for 2.4, or just overlooked?  The 0.6 series is the "stable" and current
one included in Fifth-Toe, but the 0.7 series is a development branch,
and it's got a lot of cool new features (Nautilus integration is the big
one).  I haven't seen a roadmap for it, but I think it would make a good
addition to the desktop, even if it doesn't yet have all of the "task
based" GPG type things that Havoc was looking for.  It's been solid for
me, and the maintainers are super responsive to bug reports (and even
provide the kind of detail I like if the close it as "wontfix" or
something like that).  Later,

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