Re: New toplevel behaviour

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 18:33, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> Hi,
> 	There are some mildly controversial changes in the panel
> behaviour with the new toplevel widget.
> 	1) Autohiding hides into the corner of the screen. This change
> 	   was recommended by the usability team based on the fact the
> 	   unhiding the panel isn't any harder - you just throw the
> 	   mouse into the corner of the screen - but it makes
> 	   operations near the edge of the screen a lot less error
> 	   prone - previously you had to be careful not to go near the
> 	   hidden panel.

One consideration that may not have been thought about is with Xinerama
desktops. I have an edge panel but it encompasses the "edge" of one
screen in the middle of my monitor array. If my "unhide" target is in
the corner of this screen I have a very small target to hit because I
can't "throw" the mouse into that corner. It will simply cross into the
next screen. I know there might be a tendency to disregard this as an
issue that most users won't be faced with, but the number of programmers
and business users with multiple screens is increasing all the time.

Additionally will floating and sliding panels autohide in this manner?
If so these would present a similar problem. 
> 	I think that's about it. I'd encourage people to check out the
> "new-toplevel" branch (don't install it, just run it from the source
> dir - it doesn't recognise your preferences) and experiment with the
> behaviour.
> Cheers,
> Mark.
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