Re: GEP-11: Application list for 2.4

GNOME Speech support for gnome-doorman? Simple verbal question if screen reader support is needed?

At 04:34 PM 4/29/2003 +0100, Bill Haneman wrote:
On Tue, 2003-04-29 at 16:20, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Bill Haneman">
> > Maybe only the 'wizard' would belong in a new module.
> Have you done any hacking on this yet? It would be cool to reappropriate
> gnome-doorman as a general first-time-startup wizard for GNOME, and include
> accessibility configuration bits in it.

Not yet... What's the status of (and general feeling towards)
gnome-doorman at the moment?  It might make this a manageable task for
2.4 and make both a case for inclusion of gnome-doorman and a vehicle
for improvements later on...

A good 'wizard' would need to include some "gesture listener" stuff that
we've (well, Brian Cameron and Niall Power) been hacking on, to allow
users who need special input or output to signal that need up front.
Otherwise an "accessibility wizard" that assumes you can see the screen
and use the keyboard might not be too useful ;-)

- Bill

> - Jeff
> --
> GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland
>      GDK (acronym): GNU's Not Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool-Kit
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