Re: why did you write gossip?

On Sun, 2003-04-13 at 00:17, Marius Andreiana wrote:

So gaim can't be used for this because of
1. UI
They're making a lot of efforts to conform to the HIG. If you've got something to propose to make it better, there's always an opportunity. I mean, the UI is already better than a lot of Gnome apps :) It just lacks some accessibilty polish.

2. gaim developers being reluctant to gnome integration
I'm just a little bit curious, but which benefits can you benefit from being a GNOME app ?

gaim already is quite HIG-ied, connect to the session manager, use the systray, ... so quite integrated with the Gnome desktop. What's left to do ?

I mean, If there are accessibility issues for example, I don't think the developers would be against some help, as they already trying to conform to the HIG.

3. gaim is multi-platform, can't depend on gnome libraries
As far as the development is concerned, I don't see strong benefits from using the Gnome librairies. It's better to support the Windows platform for free software deployment.



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