Re: GNOME Development Series Snapshot 2.3.0: "Mighty Atom"

>I am very strongly in favour of including an integrated GNOME-based browser,
>but it's such a significant piece of the desktop puzzle (to end users)
>we have to be very careful about committing to it. There's two sides to
>commitment too -> GNOME committing to a browser project, and the browser
>project committing to the GNOME Desktop release goals. :-)

I left a very succesfull project and started a new community from scratch
for the only reason to be able to work on GNOME goals.
I keep getting flames about galeon2 "dummification" and HIG compliance and
about my support of GNOME usability goals. I've said several times publically
that I _LOVE_ the direction Gnome is going. As an user I'm totally enthusiast
about the improvements are being done from gnome 2.0.
I'm spending a lot of my time on epiphany for the only reason to give GNOME
the browser it needs.
We are working on a toolbar editor that also other apps can use, I worked
with kris on the new completion api, we started using the eggmenu api sending
patches and bug reports.
I'm perfectly fine with accepting and working on decision the various GNOME
teams could take, even in the case I'd personally not agree.
If there is something more I can do, let me know.

>> Certainly both Galeon and Epiphany has improved a lot in the meantime.
>> I'm confused.  I think both projects has a good manteinance and a clear
>> direction now.  What's the problem ?
>I guess it comes down to communication. I know a lot of people have said
>nice things about Epiphany, but I haven't tested it yet because it hasn't
>had a tarball release for a very long time [1].

Yeah I suck. I was waiting to have a decent site before doing a public release.
I plan to do a releaese this weekend anyway.
What mozilla release do you think we should target ? 1.3, 1.4a or both ?
I think there has been a small api change, so support for both would be
only at compile time.

>While I test Galeon every
>day as my primary browser, there's not much communication with the Galeon
>dudes on the main GNOME mailing lists (same with Epiphany hackers).

Uhm, in the last weeks I sent really a lot of mail to gnome mailing lists.
I thought I was beginning to be annoying ;)

>But all of this is what the proposal process is meant to address -> it's
>to you guys to convince us to include your software. I'm pretty sure
>everyone is already sold on the need for a GNOME-based browser in the
>desktop release...

Then let's ship one ;) I think there is time enough to solve remaining problems
and to have a good quality.
Both me and the other epiphany hackers are doing our best to make epiphany
complain with GNOME goals, that's the whole point of the project. If there
is more we can do, just let us know.



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