Re: What shortcut is good for fullscreen mode

On Sun, 2002-09-01 at 14:44, Seth Nickell wrote:

> Eventually the HIG will recommend what totem provides for escaping
> fullscreen, namely totem pops up a little button on mouse movement that
> allows you to exit. Alternatively apps like Galeon which are displaying
> some chrome still (just not much) can have an always visible "Leave
> Fullscreen" button, which is even better. Relying on people knowing the
> "leave fullscreen" key before they enter fullscreen is flakey.

EOG takes Esc and a few unixy keys for exiting fullscreen (C-w and q, if
I remember correctly).  It also has a context popup menu with an "Exit
full screen" command.

Would it be goodr to have a dialog on the lines of "to exit full screen
mode, press Esc / [ ] Don't show me this dialog again"?  I wanted to do
that at first but i18n string freeze yada yada.


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