Re: GEP-2 Theme Sets (aka Metathemer)

<quote who="Havoc Pennington"/>

> > If these fonts are not usable than they are bad for usability.
> Usability isn't just about function, it's also about fun and pleasantness.
> People (and by people I mean just average nontechnical users) enjoy silly
> fonts and silly media player themes; those sort of things are fine as long
> as you have to enable them explicitly, I think.

I was initially pretty negative about themes defining fonts. I too think
that they're pretty unnecessary and will cause more trouble than they're

However, with fontconfig and ~/.fonts/, we could fairly easily allow themes
to actually include the fonts they specify. At least, that would remove all
of my little personal objections to the idea. :-)

- Jeff

                    Mangoes are nature's edible orgasm.                     

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