Re: Tabs for Nautilus ?

On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 10:35:17AM +0200, Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:
> Personally, I would love it if nautilus has tabs for file browsing, and 
> would allow me to drag a set of files to a tab in the background, either 
> bringing it to the foreground or letting me drop files on the tab and have 
> them copied/moved/.... there. 
> I tend to run nautilus full-screen, and it's irritating to either have to 
> resize two nautilus's side by side to do copies, or use key shortcuts and 
> then switch dirs in the current window, or whatever...
> So if the expense is not too great I wouldn't mind tabs at all, if the 
> tabs at the top themselves have this extra functionality.

How about something that is more simple, yet could give similar
functionality.  I've never used spring loaded folders on the mac, but
I've heard about them, and loved the idea.  If you're not familiar with
the term, basically it means that you can select files and drag them
over a folder.  After x seconds, the folder will open up in the current
window, and you can then move to another folder, hold it over, etc.
This allows you to, with a single window, and with only mouse control,
move files to just about anywhere. 

That is something that would be simple to the user (though probably not
the coding) to enhance usability in a similar manner to what you are


Alan -=- alan ufies org -=-
"As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat." 
                         --Ellen Perry Berkeley

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