Re: Question about menus in GNOME 2.x releases

On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 12:51, Aaron Weber wrote:
> duplicate entries that confuse the heck out of me.   I know Anna sent a
> list around of proposals, but that mostly degenerated into a thread
> about whether preferences were good or bad (the "Violent realization"
> thread).

This reminds me of a problem that i think is important to address, and
that we can fix easily. The problem is that we can't have a committee
decide on the menu structure, we need a community trusted individual to
maintain the menus and take decisions over it, just like we do for every
other important GNOME decision.

If we have a group of people deciding the menu structure we can all bet
that the discussions are going to end up in 30+ mail threads because of
the artistic nature of this. The main problem i see is that we need
people to work on GNOME, not invest huge amounts of time, typing and
sanity points in discussing this stuff. I am not lobbying for not having
public discussions about this, we need them, but having someone who can
decide Yes/No about any decision (or should it be No/Yes? I always
forget) would be great.

So I'd like to propose that we come up with a maintainer that has the
power to take the decision about the menu structure. I am sure that
anybody who takes over this task is going to come up with anything
better than what we currently have. I don't have any preference on or
ideas about candidates.

I really don't see any other way out of this without flamefests, long
threads or stalling the progress.


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