Installing gconf preferences problems


At the moment I am rebuild my GNOME2 desktop using many packages from
Debian Sid, and the rest from Garnome and cvs.

I have stable libraries such as gconf, libgnomeui, etc from Debian and
the applications I am building from source.

However, I have a problem installing gconf defaults.  When I build code
configure detects that I have GConf installed and gconf says to install
schemas etc in /etc/gconf/blaa.  This is fine for programs which I
install via dpkg but not for gnome2 as I am installing it under ~.

Looking over the configure options gave me --with-gconf-schema-file-dir
and --with-gconf-source but whatever I tried either gave "Bad address
`/home/users/ross/bin/gnome2/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/'" or make
install attempted to install in /etc/gconf anyway.

What are the correct options to configure to tell it to install schemas
in ~/bin/gnome2/bin/gconf?

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                       jabber: rossburton jabber org
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