Re: Default WM theme settings

Ps, to illustrate the look i was refering to, i made these 2 screenshots:

The default desktop is with the panels and applets such are set by default, and the 'mydesktop' is an actualy snap of the desktop i do my day to day work on. (Windows style only one task bar, few quick launchers, and volume/cpu monitor/clock), very plain and simple and ellegant.

(mydesktop is without AA for speed reasons, default is with for eye candy reasons)

Would it be posible to consider this theme combo as the 'default theme' ? It combines very well in color pallete and style (thus consitent look), and combines well with mozilla (modern2) and other apps. Also it looks ok with the default gtk theme, without being _to_ boring which is very important (we left that behind us with win 3.1 didnt we?) ;-)

Anyways, just my 2 euro cents. (style like taste can not be argued, but im trying anyways?)

ps, i think scalable gorila looks better, but would be a bad choice as 'default' since it requires some serious CPU cycles. pps, there's also a very nice looking gorila theme & throber for galeon, which combines realy well with said look (build in w/ galeon 1.2)

   -- Chris

Chris Chabot wrote:

How about making (Unscalable?) Gorila the default nautilus & sawfish theme? It combines well with about every gtk theme i have currently running under gtk2, and it has a very high WAF*. Also the proper combination of nautilus look + sawfish look + colors palete used in the contributed gnome icons, make it fit realy nice together as a whole.

Consitency is as important as look, since it can make or break a look easely, even if the invividual components of which it consits are very pleasing the eye.

* WAF: I came across this term when trying to find some reviews on new loud speakers i wanted to buy. It stands for "Wife Acceptance Factor". When confronting my g/f with nautilus gorila + sawfish gorila her literal responce was: "wow linux is a lot pretier then WindowsXP, i didn't know that!" Which for me indicates the look works realy well ;-)

(ps gorila with the ximian nightjungle background image, is a killer combination to, might be worth considering making that the default gnome2 background? )

   -- Chris

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