Re: Default WM theme settings

How about making (Unscalable?) Gorila the default nautilus & sawfish theme? It combines well with about every gtk theme i have currently running under gtk2, and it has a very high WAF*. Also the proper combination of nautilus look + sawfish look + colors palete used in the contributed gnome icons, make it fit realy nice together as a whole.

Consitency is as important as look, since it can make or break a look easely, even if the invividual components of which it consits are very pleasing the eye.

* WAF: I came across this term when trying to find some reviews on new loud speakers i wanted to buy. It stands for "Wife Acceptance Factor". When confronting my g/f with nautilus gorila + sawfish gorila her literal responce was: "wow linux is a lot pretier then WindowsXP, i didn't know that!" Which for me indicates the look works realy well ;-)

(ps gorila with the ximian nightjungle background image, is a killer combination to, might be worth considering making that the default gnome2 background? )

   -- Chris

Michael Toomim wrote:

Jens Knutson wrote:
> Thoughts?

Personally, I don't find Klarth to be aesthetically pleasing. I think this is a very important issue, too. I first got interested in linux after I saw a bunch of cool screenshots of pre-1.0 gnome (running enlightenment) on, and wanted my computer to look all beautiful too. Lately, I tried to get my girlfriend into KDE when she started using Linux (thinking that it would be the easiest desktop for her to transition to from windows) -- but she refused, saying that it was ugly compared to gnome and that she wanted "the pretty one". Also, in the ongoing KDE vs. Gnome debates on public message boards, I've noticed that many discussions seem to conclude that gnome is "immature compared to KDE, but much better looking." Aesthetics seem to be one of the few things that gnome has really had going for it, and it would be a pitty if this were no longer true.

Crux is decent. It isn't my favorite look, but it's nice. I don't like Klarth. Klarth is boring, blocky, and has those annoying vertical gradients all across everything that make me feel like my computer is composed of Lincoln Logs. The buttons don't look like buttons, either, but rather like nondescript decorations for the ends of the title-bar. (Especially when the title-bar takes on a dark, bold color such as you get with the default gtk theme.) The button-icons don't mean anything to me: they look like "little v" and "big ^" rather than minimize and maximize -- and when you look at it all for a while, you realize that everything on the title bar (save the colorful application-icon) is uniform same-color ASCII text! Are we aiming for a window manager that can be displayed in a videocard's text-mode on purpose?

I find it somewhat cool that it copies colors from my current GTK theme, but I find that for many of my themes the result is just ugly. My current gtk theme (flat) makes the Klarth window-decorations pitch black (very hard to see). The proper way to copy the colors, IMHO, is to only set the theme's *highlight* to the GTK color (like crux does), not every pixel that you can find on the darned thing.

Anyway, style is important. People don't pay a premium for Apple's overpriced iMacs, iPods, G4 Cube's, etc. because they want their title-bar to resize when they change their fonts, but because Apple's products are all so freaking cool. Klarth looks like my grandmother's old garden clogs. I think it'd be seriously detrimental to brand gnome with it.


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