Re: GNOME2's High Memory usage

On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 13:59, Chris Chabot wrote:
> A while back some people were discussing memory usage of gnome 2 
> applications on this list. Now that i have a 'stable' gnome2 platform 
> running again, i'd like to chip in with my results.. My conslusion would 
> be that memory usage does seem awefully high, even considering the 
> amount of debug info still in the binaries.
> Below, a ps aux sniplet, when running a fresh 'gnome-session'. Notice 
> the 22megs for nautilus, and 12 .. 14 megs for applets (even with 6 or 7 
> megs shared, is still a _lot_ of memory for an applet in a panel). The 
> panel it self also has similar memory usage..  All this makes me very 
> happy that i have 1 gig of ram, but wurried for people who do not ;-)

> root      1842  5.3  1.7 22784 13352 ?       S    14:50   0:01 nautilus 
> --sm-cli
> root      1845  0.6  0.8 12604 6656 ?        S    14:50   0:00 
> geyes_applet2 --o
> root      1847  0.8  0.9 14108 7124 ?        S    14:50   0:00 
> nautilus-throbber
> root      1849  2.1  0.8 12880 6364 ?        S    14:50   0:00 
> cdplayer_applet2
> root      1850  0.0  1.7 22784 13352 ?       S    14:50   0:00 nautilus 
> --sm-cli
> root      1851  0.0  1.7 22784 13352 ?       S    14:50   0:00 nautilus 
> --sm-cli
> root      1852  0.0  1.7 22784 13352 ?       S    14:50   0:00 nautilus 
> --sm-cli
> root      1854  0.5  0.8 12484 6300 ?        S    14:50   0:00 
> mixer_applet2 --o
> root      1858  0.7  0.9 12520 6972 ?        S    14:50   0:00 
> charpick_applet2

I always thought memory was measured RSS - share: which would put
nautilus at 13352 - share, not 22784. Or do I need my memory
understanding updated?

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