GNOME2's High Memory usage

A while back some people were discussing memory usage of gnome 2 applications on this list. Now that i have a 'stable' gnome2 platform running again, i'd like to chip in with my results.. My conslusion would be that memory usage does seem awefully high, even considering the amount of debug info still in the binaries.

Below, a ps aux sniplet, when running a fresh 'gnome-session'. Notice the 22megs for nautilus, and 12 .. 14 megs for applets (even with 6 or 7 megs shared, is still a _lot_ of memory for an applet in a panel). The panel it self also has similar memory usage.. All this makes me very happy that i have 1 gig of ram, but wurried for people who do not ;-)

ps aux output (trimed for 80 width)
(user      pid    c% m% VSZ    RSS ...)
root      1778  0.8  0.9 13292 7376 tty1     S    14:50   0:00 gnome-session
root      1791  1.3  0.4  5736 3376 tty1     S    14:50   0:00 sawfish
root 1809 0.0 0.3 3672 2424 ? S 14:50 0:00 esd -terminate -n root 1833 0.2 0.4 11736 3572 ? S 14:50 0:00 gnome-smproxy --s root 1835 1.4 1.5 18196 11872 ? SN 14:50 0:00 gnome2-settings-d root 1839 2.1 1.2 14988 9528 ? S 14:50 0:00 gnome-panel-2 --s root 1842 5.3 1.7 22784 13352 ? S 14:50 0:01 nautilus --sm-cli root 1845 0.6 0.8 12604 6656 ? S 14:50 0:00 geyes_applet2 --o root 1847 0.8 0.9 14108 7124 ? S 14:50 0:00 nautilus-throbber root 1849 2.1 0.8 12880 6364 ? S 14:50 0:00 cdplayer_applet2 root 1850 0.0 1.7 22784 13352 ? S 14:50 0:00 nautilus --sm-cli root 1851 0.0 1.7 22784 13352 ? S 14:50 0:00 nautilus --sm-cli root 1852 0.0 1.7 22784 13352 ? S 14:50 0:00 nautilus --sm-cli root 1854 0.5 0.8 12484 6300 ? S 14:50 0:00 mixer_applet2 --o root 1858 0.7 0.9 12520 6972 ? S 14:50 0:00 charpick_applet2

   -- Chris

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